Am 24.02.2015 um 13:34 schrieb Guilherme:
This is just an email to all the people i have written in private
about relicensing the files in need in TSS so they can reply to this
email and it be recorded in the mailing list.

The files are part of ctypes.c hex.c git-compat-util.h.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Guilherme <> wrote:

I'm writing to you in regards to the files ctypes.c
which you have modified part of in the git project.

I'm currently working on integrating gitignore pattern matching into
the_sivler_searcher( PR

For that i needed wildmatch.c and it's dependencies. That is parts of
ctypes.c lines 8 to 31.

Unfortunately TSS is Apache licensed wheras git is GPL, those licenses
are incompatible and thus i ask if you agree that your portion if the
code is also licensed under Apache2 for the use in TSS.

That's fine with me.

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