On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 4:03 AM, Stephen Morton
<stephen.c.mor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm experiencing very slow git pushes. On the order of 1 minute to push a
> trivial one-line change. When I set GIT_TRACE=1, I see that it seems to be
> taking a lot of time in the pack-objects phase.
> Others are not seeing this with the same repo, but I'm the only one working
> in a VM.
> ...
> Details:
> git version 2.1.4
> OS: CentOS 6.6 64-bit in a VM.
> repo size: huge. 6 GB .git directory, around 800 MB working tree.
> VM has 8 MB RAM and 8 cores.

Is it 8 GB or MB RAM?

> CPU: i7, 8 core (4 cores hyperthreaded)
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