On 19/03/15 21:58, brian m. carlson wrote:
On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:28:09PM +0000, Sam Bishop wrote:
When using the git-p4.py script, I found that if I used a client spec when
cloning out a perforce repository, and then using a git-p4.py rebase, that
the rebase command would be using the current perforce client spec,
instead of the one used when doing the initial clone. My proposed patch
causes the rebase command to switch to the perforce client spec used when
doing the initial git-p4.py clone.

That's very useful, thanks. I've noticed that behaviour in the past and always thought it ought to be fixed. As Brian notes, it needs a "Signed-off" line in the patch.

A very small nit: could you prefix the subject with "git p4:" so that it's consistent with other recent git-p4 changes - it makes it easier to pick them out when reviewing changes.

Could you run the git-p4 unit tests on it please (t/t98*)? I could be wrong about this, but it looks to me like t9806-git-p4-options.sh doesn't pass now with this change (*)


(*) There's at least one test that doesn't pass anyway, but this seems to be new.

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