I am trying to setup my git ignore (resp. .git/info/exclude) so that I exclude
 all directories and files except the content of directories that I 
specifically include (incl. anything within them recursively).

I set the .git/info/exclude with the following content:

# Exclude everything
# Except the below that we include

However it does not do what I anticipated. It indeed excludes everything but 
the include part does not work - it only works for !/labels and !/scripts 
directories (i.e. the first level directories). All other are still ignored - 
so when I create file /db/data/load/base/bootstraponly/somefile.txt git still 
ignores it...

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

I tried all of the following combinations but still with the same result:

When I add just "!/db" to exclude then it works. But that's not what I want - 
I really want to include just the /db/data/load/base/bootstraponly and its
all content...

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