Sebastian Schuberth <> writes:

>>      Instead of flattening the history by replaying each
>>      non-merge commit to be rebased, preserve the shape of the
>>      rebased history by recreating merge commits as well.
>> or something along that line, perhaps?
> Hm, I'm not sure about the "as well" here. Non-merge commits basically
> are just picked, not recreated in the same sense as merge
> commits. I'll come up with another proposal.

OK.  I do not see qualitative difference between picking a non-merge
and picking a merge; they are both being replayed and it is not like
the machiery is trying to preserve an evil merge.  Having said that,
I do not have a strong feeling either way between keeping and
dropping that "as well".  I threw it in there only to contrast the
preserve mode (where merges are also picked) with the normal mode
(where merges are not picked).
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