On 2015-03-28 03.56, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> Hey.
> I was looking for an ideally simple way to make a "full" copy of a git
> repo. Many howtos are floating around on this on the web, with also lots
> of voodoo.
> First, it shouldn't be just a clone, i.o.w.
> - I want to have all refs (local/remote branches/tags) and of course all
> objects from the source repo copied as is.
> So it's local branches should become my local branches and not remote
> branches as well - and so on.
> Basically I want to be able to delete the source afterwards (and all
> backups ;) ) and not having anything lost.
> - It shouldn't set the source repo as origin or it's branches as remote
> tracking branches, as said it should be identical the source repo, just
> "freshly copied" via the "Git aware transport mechanisms".
> - Whether GC or repacking happens, I don't care, as long as nothing that
> is still reachable in the source repo wouldn't get lost (or get lost
> once I run a GC in the copied repo).
> - Whether anything that other tools have added to .git (e.g. git-svn
> stuff) get's lost, I don't care.
> - It should work for both, bare and non-bare repos, but it's okay when
> it doesn't copy anything that is not committed or stashed.
> I'd have said that either:
> $ git clone --mirror URl-to-source-repo copy
> for the direction from "outside" the source to a copy,
> or alternatively:
> $ cd source-repo
> $ git push --mirror URl-to-copy
> for the direction from "within" the source to a copy with copy being an
> empty bare or non-bare repo,
> would do the job.
> But:
> a) but the git-clone(1) part for --mirror:
>    >and sets up a refspec configuration such that all these refs are
>    >overwritten by a git remote update in the target repository.
>    kinda confuses me since I wanted to get independent of the source
>    repo and this ssems to set up a remote to it?
> b) do I need --all --tags for the push as well?
> c) When following
>    https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository/
>    it doesn't seem as if --mirror is what I want because they seem to
>    advertise it rather as having the copy tracking the source repo.
>    Of course I read about just using git-clone --bare, but that seems to
>    not copy everything that --mirror does (remote-tracking branches,
>    notes).
>    So I'm a bit confused...
This instructions have 3 repos:
the source, "old", the destination "new" and a temporary one.
As you only push to "new", "new" should have no information about
"old" or "temp".
> 1) Is it working like I assumed above?
> 2) Does that also copy things like git-config, hooks, etc.?
> 3) Does it copy the configured remotes from the source?
> 4) What else is not copied by that? I'd assume anything that is not
>    tracked by git and the stash of the source?

You didn't write if this is a bare repository,
if it is on a local disc, if it is reachable by rsync ?
Linux or Windows ?

For a "full clone" (in the sense of having everything, bit for bit)
I would probably use rsync. (After stopping all activities on the repo)

But I don't know where you repos life, are they bare or not, so there
may be other ways to go.

> Thanks a lot,
> Chris.

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