Hi Rupert,

On 2015-04-11 10:37, rupert thurner wrote:
> three things i do not like it so much:
> * the old distinct icon is replaced by a new one which looks similar to 
> many other programs, like google chrome. would it be possible to set the 
> old icon?

Git 1.9.5 came with the Git icon already (the diamond with the branch in it) 
and now we simply have this "Windowsified". There was so much positive and 
uplifting feedback about it at the Git Merge (and besides, I really like the 
new icon myself), it is unlikely to change.

> * the prompt is still as slow as before, calculating the branch name on 
> pressing return without option to turn it off

There is no explicit option in the installer to turn it off, but you can easily 
edit `/etc/profile.d/git-prompt.sh` to adjust it to your liking.

If you think that more people would want to have an option in the installer to 
switch it off, you should read 
https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/wiki/Making-an-installer, edit 
/usr/src/build-extra/installer/install.iss.in after having a look at 
https://github.com/git-for-windows/build-extra/commit/cbcf69b9 and open a Pull 
> * it is talking german to me
> would it be sufficient to delete
> c:\Apps\gitwin\mingw64\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\
> resp the whole locale directory to let it speak english?

Probably. But the canonical solution is to set the `LC_ALL` or `LANG` 
environment variables accordingly.

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