On 18/05/15 18:59, FusionX86 wrote:

Anyone know of a way to 'git p4 clone' and exclude files by type or
name? For example, I want to clone a depot, but not pull down any .exe
files. Haven't been able to find an answer in docs or other searches.

I think you can use a client spec which excludes the files you want.

First, create a client spec that excludes the files you don't want:

Client: myclient
    //depot/mystuff/...  //myclient/...
    -//depot/mystuff/...exe  //myclient/...exe

Then clone with the --use-client-spec option:

$ export P4CLIENT=myclient
$ git p4 clone --use-client-spec //depot/mystuff

And later on, when you want to catch up:

$ cd mystuff
$ git p4 sync --use-client-spec


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