On Wed, 20 May 2015, Stefan Beller wrote:

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Faheem Mitha <fah...@faheem.info> wrote:

So, is the repos corrupt or not? Also, I don't understand why you say

    There is no file 28/0c... however.

Why would you expect there to be? I don't see it mentioned in that list.

Each object is stored at .git/objects/<xz>/<tail> with <xz> being the first 2 characters of the sha1 and the tail the remaining 38 characters of the sha1. I did not draw a conclusion yet, as I needed to run for a meeting.

So the object you're looking for is not there (stating this as a fact). But why would you expect it to be there? At the time of sending the previous email I tried to do a reverse search "Give me all objects, which reference objectX" but did not succeed yet.

Ok. See my reply to Matthieu Moy for context. I make have been taking too much for granted before posting to this list. Maybe I should have asked here first.

As I wrote to him, I can reconstruct the original setup if anyone thinks it is worthwhile trying to investigate further.

                                                   Regards, Faheem Mitha
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