On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 09:50:49PM +0100, John Lee wrote:
> Hi
> Does anybody have code to stage commits using a the visual
> diff/merge tools supported by git-difftool?  Is there support in git
> itself somewhere, even?
> I'm looking for something functionally similar to git add -p
> Looking at the git-difftool source I can see how to write a command
> to do it, but wanted to check if it had already been implemented.
> Did I miss a way that already exists?
> Thanks
> John

If you're interested in existing staging tools then I would
highly suggest looking at git-cola.


    git clone git://github.com/git-cola/git-cola.git

git-cola is free software so it's pretty unique in many ways.
I also wrote it, so that makes it that much more awesome ;-)

cola has a very slick interactive staging editor, interactive
rebase, and a whole lot more.

I'm a g/vim user, so git-cola is finely tuned for keyboard
usage.  If we implement these feature in Git, we should consider
providing the same workflows/hotkeys as cola.

For staging, you can select lines, hit "s", and they'll be
staged/unstaged.  ctrl-u reverts unstaged edits, etc.
The '?' hotkey shows the help, etc.

You can get extremely granular, moreso then "add -p", which is
why it exists.  When cola's diff editor is not sufficient, you
can also use it to drive difftool, but only in ways that you can
on the command-line already.

git-cola is written in Python(2+3) so it's easy to hack on, and
quite portable.

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