Johannes Schindelin venit, vidit, dixit 16.06.2015 11:43:
> Hi Eric,
> On 2015-06-16 03:17, Eric Raible wrote:
>> I'm running 1.9.5.msysgit.1, but this is a general git question...
>> Upon returning from a vacation, I was looking at what people had been
>> up to, and discovered on merge in which a colleague had resolved a merge
>> incorrectly.  It turns out that he has pushed *many* merges over the past
>> year which had conflicts in my code, and now I don't trust any of them.
>> So naturally I want to check each of them for correctness.
>> I know about "git log -p -cc SHA -- path", but it really doesn't
>> show just the conflicts so there's just too much noise in that output.
>> I use kdiff3 to resolve conflicts, so I'm looking for a way to
>> visualize these already-resolved conflicts with that tool.
>> As I said, there are many merges, so the prospect of checking
>> out each sha, doing the merge, and then comparing the results
>> is completely untenable.
>> Can anyone help?  Surely other people have wanted to review how
>> conflicts were resolved w/out looking at the noise of unconflicted
>> changes, right?
> If I was walking in your shoes, I would essentially recreate the merge 
> conflicts and then use "git diff <merge-commit>" with the resolved merge in 
> your current history.
> Something like this:
> ```bash
> mergecommit=$1
> # probably should verify that the working directory is clean, yadda yadda
> # recreate merge conflicts on an unnamed branch (Git speak: detached HEAD)
> git checkout $mergecommit^
> git merge $mergecommit^2 ||
> die "This merge did not have any problem!"
> # compare to the actual resolution as per the merge commit
> git diff $mergecommit
> ```

This type of request comes up often (for a reason). I'm wondering
whether we could support it more systematically, either by exposing the
steps above as a command, or by storing the unresolved merge somewhere
(leveraging stash or rerere).

> To list all the merge commits in the current branch, I would use the 
> command-line:
> ```bash
> git rev-list --author="My Colleague" --parents HEAD |
> sed -n 's/ .* .*//p'
> ```
> (i.e. listing all the commits with their parents, then filtering just the 
> ones having more than one parent, which would include octopus merges if your 
> history has them.)


"--merges" (aka "--min-parents=2") is your friend here.

> Hopefully this gives you good ideas how to proceed.
> Ciao,
> Johannes

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