Patrick Palka <> writes:

>> I have this nagging feeling that it is just as likely that two
>> uneven hunks align at the top as they align at the bottom, so while
>> this might not hurt it may not be the right approach for a better
>> solution, in the sense that when somebody really wants to do a
>> better solution, this change and the original code may need to be
>> ripped out and redone from scratch.
> Hmm, maybe. I stuck with assuming hunks are top-aligned because it
> required less code to implement :)

Yeah, I understand that.

If we will need to rip out only this change but keep the original in
order to implement a future better solution, then we might be better
off not having this change (if we anticipate such a better solution
to come reasonably soon), because it would make it more work for the
final improved solution.  But if we need to rip out the original as
well as this change while we do so, then having this patch would not
make it more work, either.

So as I said, I do not think it would hurt to have this as an
incremental improvement (albeit going in a possibly wrong

Of course, it is a separate question if this change makes the output
worse, by comparing unmatched early parts of two hunks and making
nonsense highlight by calling highlight_pair() more often.  As long
as that is not an issue, I am not opposed to this change, which was
what I meant to say by "this might not hurt".

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