On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 1:08 AM, Plamen Totev <plamen.to...@abv.bg> wrote:
> Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:
>> Plamen Totev <plamen.to...@abv.bg> writes:
>> > pickaxe search also uses kwsearch so the case insensitive search with
>> > it does not work (e.g. git log -i -S). Maybe this is a less of a
>> > problem here as one is expected to search for exact string (hence
>> > knows the case)
>> You reasoned correctly, I think. Pickaxe, as one of the building
>> blocks to implement Linus's ultimate change tracking tool [*1*],
>> should never pay attention to "-i". It is a step to finding the
>> commit that touches the exact code block given (i.e. "how do you
>> drill down?" part of $gmane/217 message).
>> Thanks.
>> [Footnote]
>> *1* http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/217
> Now that I read the link again and gave the matter a thought I'm not so sure.
> In some contexts the case of the words does not matter. In SQL for example.
> Let's consider a SQL script file that contains the following line:
> select name, address from customers;
> At some point we decide to change the coding style to:
> SELECT name, address FROM customers;

On top of this, pickaxe already supports icase even kws is used. But
it only works for ascii, so either we fix it and support non-ascii, or
we remove icase support entirely from diffcore_pickaxe(). I vote the
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