Hello All,

As part of GSoC I'm working on the Unification of 'for-each-ref', 'tag -l'
and 'branch -l'. Sorry for the lack of update since Jun 14, was a
little busy with an exam I had. Now thats over, I will be working more
on the project.

Current Progress:

1. Building ref-filter.{c,h} from for-each-ref.
This is the process of creating an initial library for the unification
by moving most of the code from for-each-ref to ref-filter.{c,h}.
Merged into next

2. Add options to ref-filter.
This includes the porting of --points-at, --contains, --merged,
--no-merged options from builtin/branch.c and builtin/tag.c, Also the
implementation of these options into for-each-ref.
Currently in pu

3. Port builtin/tag.c to use ref-filter.
Here we port tag.c to use ref-filter and also port the --format,
--sort and --merged and --no-merged options to builtin/tag.c.
Version 2 can be found here
A lot of input on this, Junio and Duy gave some suggestions on
how we can align items in the format option, there has been good progress
in this regard. More at
http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/273732. A
working prototype of these suggestions have been pushed to Github,
where suggestions can be made until I send my next iteration of the
patch series.
Also a lot of changes suggested by my mentors Matthieu and Christian. Most of
which have been implemented and pushed to Github.

Have been working on branch.c and there is good progress for the same.
Code pushed to Github.

Github: https://github.com/KarthikNayak/git

Thanks to everyone who has helped :)

Karthik Nayak
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