On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Matthieu Moy
<matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> wrote:
> Eric Sunshine <sunsh...@sunshineco.com> writes:
>> Also, please explain here and in the commit message why this highly
>> specialized colorizer ('colornext'), is needed even though a more
>> general purpose one ('color') is already available.
> It is needed in the current form to allow
> %(colornext:blue)%(ifexists:[%s]) to color only the replacement of %s
> and not the [].
> But I now think that this would be more elegantly solved by Junio's
> %(if) %(endif) idea:
>   %(if:atom) [ %(color:blue)%(atom)%(color:reset) ] %(endif)
> (I added spaces for clarity)

I agree, this style seems a lot more elegant and expressive while much
easier to understand. Same for doing this to the alignment atoms and
such as it solves the same problem(s) there.

I can't speak to how easy it is to implement tho.

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