On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 1:12 AM, Ralf Thielow <ralf.thie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> when a user made a typo, Git is not good in guessing what
> the user could have meant, except for git commands. I think
> this is an area with room for improvements.
> Let's look into branches. When I "clone --branch" and make
> a typo, Git could show me what branch I could have meant. It's
> the same when I try to merge or track a branch.

Good candidate for those micro-projects next year.

> It might even
> be possible to show suggestions for options for all Git commands.

You mean if you type "--brnch" it should suggest "--branch"? I was
bugged about this and wanted to do something, only to realize in most
cases git would show "git <cmd> -h", which does a much better job
because it would explain what --branch is for as well.

> What I'm trying to say is, there are arguments with a limited
> amount of possible values that Git know, so Git can show
> suggestions when the user made a typo for such an argument.
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