On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 12:55 AM, Matthieu Moy
<matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> wrote:
> I consider this GSoC as a great success and a pleasant experience.
> Congratulation to Paul and Karthik, and a warm "thank you" to everybody
> who contributed: administrators, mentors, reviewers, and obviously
> Junio! (not to mention Google, who made all this possible)
> Thanks all!

Thanks! The products of my project are not perfect (Jeff just fixed
another bug in the builtin am >< Thanks!), and there are still a few
leftover bits, but I hope that I've provided a good base of code for
working on.

Off the top of my head, the leftover bits are:

1. Stefan noticed that the help strings of git-am's options could be
more user-friendly:

2. Johannes suggested that get_tracking_branch() in builtin/pull.c
could be implemented with remote_find_tracking():

3. Junio noticed off-list that relative paths do not work with
git-fetch and git-pull

Other possible future developments:

1. git am --3way implemented on top of git apply --3way

2. builtin/mailinfo.c looks to me like a good candidate for moving
into libgit.a, so that git am can access its functionality without
spawning a separate process and writing temporary files.

On my part, I have to give a big thank you to Junio, as well as my
mentors Johannes and Stefan, for reviewing my patches. Their timely
review of my patches played a great part in getting my project into
master. Jeff, Eric and many others contributed by reporting bugs,
giving ideas and cleaning up my mess.

Above all, I would like to thank the organization admins as well as my
mentors for running the GSoC program. Thank you for this wonderful
opportunity. I've learned a lot, and had lots of fun.

I've really enjoyed my time with the Git community, and will stay
around for the foreseeable future.

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