Hello all,

Looking for suggestions on how to determine the tag that was used to
checkout a git repo to its associated commit, particularly in the case
where multiple tags might point to the same commit.

I've had a look at git-name-rev and git-describe, and both seem useful so
long as there's only one tag pointing to the commit of interest.  However,
I'm still coming up to speed on their behavior in the multiple tag case
(mainly by experimentation).

It seems to me that when checking out to a tag, Git does not record the
*name* of the tag anywhere, but rather sets HEAD to the de-referenced
commit SHA-1.  As far as I can tell, it is not possible to recover the
original name of the tag in the case of multiple tags on the same commit.
Is my conclusion correct?

The reason I ask is that we have a build environment where it is likely
that multiple tags will get set by various groups in our main 'truth' Git
repo.  We are using some scripting that would like to know the *name* of
the tag used for checkout (this has been working well for us so far as long
as we checkout against branches).

Is there perhaps some other means of doing a checkout to tag that DOES
record the name of the tag?  If not, I imagine we might need some external
means to record the checked out tag, which is not out of the question.

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