On 25.09.2015 05:14, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:

My idea is that the owner of "https://github.com/git/git"; enables this account
for Travis (it's free!). Then we would automatically get the test state for all
official branches.

The last time I heard about this "it's free" thing, I thought I
heard that it wants write access to the repository.

It does not need write access to the git data, only to auxiliary GitHub
data: commit status and deployment status (where it can put "this
commit failed tests"), repository hooks (to set up build triggers),
team membership (ro) and email addresses (ro).

Also, as Roberto explained at [1], "If you set up the webhook yourself, you don't need to grant the [repository hooks] permissions".

BTW, there's already an attempt at creating a .travis.yml file at [2].

[1] https://github.com/rtyley/submitgit/issues/16#issuecomment-120119634
[2] https://github.com/git/git/pull/154

Sebastian Schuberth
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