On 13/10/2015 15:29, Philip Oakley wrote:
> From: "Konstantin Khomoutov" <kostix+...@007spb.ru>
>> On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 10:50:40 +0200
>> Francois-Xavier Le Bail <devel.fx.leb...@orange.fr> wrote:
>>> >> For example, if I rebase the following commits, I would want that
>>> >> if the commit hash 2222222... become 7777777...,
>>> >> the message
>>> >> "Update test output for 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222"
>>> >> become
>>> >> "Update test output for 7777777..."
>>> >>
>>> >> Is it possible currently? And if yes how?
>>> >
>>> > AFAIK, it's not possible other than by editing the message by hand.
>>> It seems to me useful to be able to do it. Can we hope a new option?
>> How do you think this could be practically implemented?
>> A couple of things which immediately spring to my mind:
>> To begin with, you are free to specify just a few first characters of
>> the commit name you're referring to.  So the alogrythm which finds the
>> relevant commits them has to be smart to somehow avoid misfires.  Or
>> have knobs to tune it (like -M of `git log`).
>> OK, suppose that this is solved through the usage of some agreed-upon
>> keywords in the commit message.  Say, you adopt a policy to put
>> something like
>>  X-Refers-To: 2dd8a9d9bb33ebffccb2ff516497adc8535bcab4
>> in your commit message to make the finder tool happy.
>> Now think how exactly it should work.  First, any commit at all might
>> mention the name of the target commit in its commit message.  Okay,
>> let's suppose there will be some way to somehow prune the possible DAG
>> down.  Then what happens if the commit to change is a part of the chain
>> of commits reachable from some branch other than that you're rebasing?
>> Automatically rebasing it would rewrite that commits and all commits
>> "after" it -- possibly resulting in what the "Recovering from upstream
>> rebase" part of the git-rebase(1) manual page deals with.
>> Having said that, the feature you're after appears to me to be a
>> sensible thing to have but the possibility of its generic implementation
>> appears to be moot.
>> Note that to deal with narrow simple cases (all possibly affected
>> commits leave on the same branch you're rebasing, and come later than
>> the rebase's anchor) you could write a script which uses `git log` to
>> find those commits which need special care.
> My tuppence is that the only sha1's that could/would be rewritten would be 
> those for the commits within the rebase. During rebasing it is expected that 
> the user is re-adjusting things for later
> upstream consumption, with social controls and understandings with colleagues.
> Thus the only sha1 numbers that could be used are those that are within the 
> (possibly implied) instruction sheet (which will list the current sha1s that 
> will be converted by rebase to new sha1's).


> It should be clear that the sha1's are always backward references (because of 
> the impossibility of including a forward reference to an as yet un-created 
> future commit's sha1).
> The key question (for me) is whether short sha1s are accepted, or if they 
> must be full 40 char sha1's (perhaps an option). There are already options 
> for making sure that short refs are not ambiguous.

I think full 40 sha1 is more secure to avoid confusion with previous or future 

> It sound to me like a sensible small project for those that have such a 
> workflow. I'm not sure if it should work with a patch based flow when 
> submitting upstream - I'm a little fuzzy on how would the
> upstream maintainer know which sha1 referred to which patch.
> Philip
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