On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It was from last year. I may have measured it but because I didn't
>> save it in the commit message, it was lost anyway. Installing watchman
>> and measuring with webkit.git soon..
> Test repo: webkit.git with 104665 tracked files, 5615 untracked,
> 3517 dirs. Best numbers out of a few tries. This is best case
> scenario. Normal usage could have worse numbers.
> There is something strange about the "-uno" measurements. I don't
> think watchman+untracked cache can beat -uno..  Maybe I did something
> wrong.
> 0m0.383s   index v2
> 0m0.351s   index v4
> 0m0.352s   v2 split-index
> 0m0.309s   v2 split index-helper
> 0m0.159s   v2 split helper untracked-cache
> 0m0.123s   v2 split helper "status -uno"
> 0m0.098s   v2 split helper untracked watchman
> 0m0.071s   v2 split helper watchman "status -uno"
> Note, the watchman series needs
> s/free_watchman_shm/release_watchman_shm/ (I didn't do a good job
> of testing after rebase). And there's a small bug in index-helper
> --detach code writing incorrect PID..

Impressive improvements!


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