Hi Peff,

On Fri, 13 Nov 2015, Jeff King wrote:

> It's possible somebody could be doing something clever with $SHELL, but
> I kind of doubt it. If they want to do something clever, it is much
> easier to put it directly on the exec line, and have the normal $SHELL
> run their clever thing.

To clarify the Git for Windows scenario: SHELL_PATH is indeed set to
`/bin/sh`, but reportedly it is converted into a full Windows path when we
leave the POSIX emulation layer, i.e. when `git.exe` is called (which has
*no* idea about POSIX paths, or at least next to none).

The reason is, of course, that regular Windows programs would not know
what to do with the path /bin/sh.

The problem arises when we re-enter the POSIX realm, i.e. when we run a
script (such as `git-rebase`): the path is not converted back!

There are already tickets on Git for Windows' bug tracker where the case
is made that vim has serious problems with that space in the environment
variable, so the long-term fix is really to teach the POSIX emulation
layer (read: MSys2) to convert SHELL_PATH back into a POSIX path when

This is on my plate, but there are quite a couple more urgent tasks I need
to take care of, so please do not hold your breath (unless you are into
that kind of thing).

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