Am 25.11.2015 um 21:03 schrieb Stefan Beller:
On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Jens Lehmann <> wrote:

My thinking is that groups are implying recursive, whereas recursive
"all groups", so a git clone --group <half-the-submodules> --recursive
makes not much sense to me as it begs the question, what does --recursive

Groups are only about what submodules to update and have nothing to
do with recursion. It might make sense to imply recursion, but that's
just because that should have been the default for submodules from day
one. Recursion and groups are orthogonal, the first is about what to
do inside the submodules (carry on or not?) and the latter is about
what to do in the superproject (shall I update this submodule?).

I see. So we would not want to mutually exclude recurse and groups,
but rather have groups implies --recurse, but you are allowed to give
--no-recurse if you explicitely do not want to recurse into the subsubmodules.


And then get all the nested submodules. But in case

you use the grouping feature, you could just mark the nested submodules
groups, too?

Not in the top superproject. In a submodule you can specify new groups
for its sub-submodules, but these will in most cases be different from
those of the superproject.

Imagine I have this really cool Metaproject which contains the Android
superproject as a submodule. Those two will define different groups,
and when recursing into the android submodule I need to choose from the
Android specific groups. So my Metaproject's .gitmodules could look like

[submodule "android"]
         path = android
         url = git://...
         groups = default,mobile
         subgroups = devel

"groups" tells git what superproject groups the android submodule
belongs to, and "subgroups" tells git what android submodules are
to be checked out when running recursively into it. If you do not
configure "subgroups", the whole android submodule is updated when
one of the groups "default" or "mobile" is chosen in the superproject.

I like the concept of subgroups as it allows to have some control over
subsubmodules you may want to aggregate from a third party via the
middleman submodule.

That's the point (though maybe someone might come up with a better
name than "subgroups" ;-). And each repo configures its own submodule

I'd prefer to delay that feature though by not giving a high priority.

No problem, we can start with "check out all subsubmodules" for now.
But I suspect we'll need subgroups rather sooner than later.

Also would you go with subsubgroups, too? When does the recursion

Subsubgroups do not make sense in the superproject, that can only
configure its direct submodules. I think you are talking about the
groups of the subsubmodules, and these have to be chosen inside the
first level submodules via the subgroups of its submodules (which
are the second level submodules of the superproject). Still with
me? ;-) So the recursion can go on forever even as soon as we
implement the subgroup configuration.

> In case we have more than the union of groups, but also prohibitive
terms available, could subgroups clash with the submodules groups spec?

Not that I'm aware of. Groups decide which submodules to update and
only for those submodules subgroups tell git what group to use inside
that submodule. And so on.
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