Richard Ipsum wrote:

> Having read the docs for integrating new subcommands into git[1] I am looking
> for some clarification of the following,
> "While we strongly encourage coding in portable C for portability,
> these [C, shell, perl] specific scripting languages are also acceptable.
> We won’t accept more without a very strong technical case,
> as we don’t want to broaden the Git suite’s required dependencies"
> Does this also mean that use of non-core modules by, for example, perl 
> scripts,
> is out of the question for contrib scripts? Or is it acceptable but ideally
> minimised?
> In particular I'd like to be able to make use of Git::Raw[2] and also ideally
> the Moo framework[3].

contrib is its own world.  Your best bet is to ask the maintainer of
the relevant contrib script what kind of portability they require
(cc-ing this list).

If you are the maintainer, then go wild. ;-)


> [2]:
> [3]:
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