On 1/3/16, Andrey Utkin <andrey.ut...@corp.bluecherry.net> wrote:
> After "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[q]uit|[a]ll): y" prompt and
> before "Password for 'smtp://x...@gmail.com@smtp.gmail.com:587':"
> prompt I always have a delay of 2-3 minutes. It is weird! "Unsafe
> clients" are allowed in Gmail settings.
> I experience this both with @gmail.com mailbox and with gmail-based
> company domain mail.
> I noticed this happening the first time several months ago.
> Has anybody else experienced this? Any solution?
> My git version is 2.6.4.
> --

Yes. I see it.  It's the gmail smtp gateway but 3 minutes is short, I
am seeing longer.  It's gmail not git.


> Bluecherry developer.
> --
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