On 01/04/2016 06:46 PM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
Mostyn Bramley-Moore <most...@opera.com> writes:

On 12/31/2015 01:23 AM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
Swapping the option key and value may not be a bad idea, but one
problem that the above does not solve, which I outlined in the
message you are responding to, is that "match-pattern-type" does not
give any hint that this is about affecting the match that is done to
"refs", e.g. you cannot tell in

    $ git mgrep --match-pattern-type=perl-regexp -e foo --refs 'release_*'

if the perl-regexp is to be used for matching branch names or for
matching the strings the command looks for in the trees of the
matching branches.

There is a hint: --foo-pattern-type applies only to --foo.


In your mgrep example --match-pattern-type would apply to --match
patterns only, and if we choose to implement it then
--refs-pattern-type would apply to --refs patterns only.
$ git mgrep --match '^foo' --match-pattern-type=perl-regexp --refs
release_*' --refs-pattern-type=glob

Most likely the hypothetical "mgrep" would not use "--match" but use
"-e" to retain similarity to "grep", and "--e-pattern-type" would be
confusing.  But I agree that "--refs-pattern-type" uniformly used
where we take pattern parameter on the command line to match with
refs may make it clear that you are only affecting the matches
against refs.

I don't think -e foo --e-pattern-type=bar would be confusing.

Magic pattern annotation like we do for pathspecs Duy raised may not
be a bad idea, either, and would probably be easier to teach people.
Just like in Perl "(?i)$any_pattern" is a way to introduce the case
insensitive match with $any_pattern, we may be able to pick an
extensible magic syntax and decorate the pattern you would specify
for matching refnames to tell Git what kind of pattern it is, e.g.

    $ git mgrep -P -e foo --refs '/?glob/release_*'

I am not suggesting that we must use /?<pattern type name>/ prefix
as the "extensible magic syntax" here--I am just illustrating what
I mean by "extensible magic syntax".

I hadn't seen the pathspec magic patterns before- interesting.  We
could possibly share syntax with pathspecs, ie

Even though we have DWIM between revisions and paths on the command
line when the user omits "--" for disambiguation, I do not think we
look at the shape of the string to DWIM/decide that it is a pattern,
so as long as the magic syntax cannot be a valid pattern to match
against refs right now (and your ":(?...)"  qualifies as such, as a
refname would not contain a component that begins with a colon), it
would be possible to introduce it as the magic syntax for matching

Or did you mean to use this syntax also for patterns that match
strings in contents, e.g.

     $ git grep -e ':(?perl-regexp)...'

I think it would be nice to support this syntax in every command that does pattern matching.

Corner case: what if we want to search for ":(?perl-regexp)", eg in git's own source? I suppose this would do:
git grep -e ":(?fixed-strings):(?perl-regexp)"

I am not bold enough to say that it would be a good idea, but I
offhand do not think of a reason why we shouldn't go that route,

Would this be confusing for commands that already have --perl-regexp
etc?  What should happen if you specify both --perl-regexp and and a
different type of pattern like :(glob)foo (error out, I suppose)?

If we were to go that route, ideally, I would say that

     $ git grep --perl-regexp -e 'A' -e ':(?basic-regexp)B' -e 

should match with A as pcre, B as BRE and C as a fixed string.

That makes sense.

I do not offhand remember if we built the underlying grep machinery
in such a way that it is easy to extend it to allow such mixture,

I believe this would require some moderate refactoring, but I have only looked briefly so far. If we can settle on a preliminary design (--foo-pattern-type vs magic pattern option strings), I can try implementing a proof-of-concept.

Mostyn Bramley-Moore
TV and Connected Devices
Opera Software ASA
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