On Thursday, January 07, 2016 03:03:50 AM Jeff King wrote:
> If it's an ancient thread, it's not a big deal to just start a new
> thread (especially if you reference the old one in the text so people
> can dig it up if they really care).
> But for reference, you can add `/raw` to the end of a gmane article URL
> to get all the headers. E.g.:
>   $ gmane=http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git
>   $ curl -s $gmane/271213/raw | grep -i ^message-id:
>   Message-ID: 
> <CAAKF_ub5c+2vVmG161O6gnUUeEcNfDUMU=mtn+k0t8bc-9z...@mail.gmail.com>

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