Johannes Schindelin <> writes:

> The crucial idea hit me yesterday when I took a step back: all
> we need to do is to ensure that the end-of-line style is matched
> when *all* input files are LF-only, or when they are all CR/LF.
> In all other cases, we have mixed line endings anyway.
> And to do that, it is sufficient to look at *one single line
> ending* in the context. Technically, it does not even have to be
> the context, but the first line endings of the first file would
> be enough, however it is so much more pleasant if the conflict
> marker's eol matches the one of the preceding line.

I like that approach.  My understanding of the xdiff/xmerge code is
very rusty and I have some time to re-learn it before I can judge
that the change implements that approach correctly, though X-<.

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