Hello Git Community,

I'm working at AddEnergie at Quebec city in Canada and I'm currently working on 
making a Build Server in a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu.
We are using git for our source code and I'm the first one here that need to 
use git store credentials for an Automated Build Server that would run 

I'm wondering if you could provide me support about it because I'm having issue 
making it works.
The clue I have right now about my git store credential issue is when I'm doing 
a git clone of my project repo, I'm having following errors:

Here's the git clone command launch by a .sh script file called from ~/.profile:
git clone https://myusern...@bitbucket.org/CompanyName/ProjectName.git 

Here's the error from bash .profile:
Fatal: unable to access 
Could not resolve host: bitbucket.org

I followed the excellent Web page here:

Here's what I use as commands:
git credential-store --file ~/git.store store
(type enter on a blank line to exit)

git credential-store --file ~/git.store get
(type enter on a blank line to exit)

Here's what the ~/git.store file looks like:

I tried changing the %2f by / inside the git.store file and also tried // but 
it's still showing the same fatal error.
Perhaps I don't use the host=  property correctly.

May I ask you helping me with this ?

Best Regards,

Charles Belanger
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