Hi, everybody. I'm new to git and I'd like to keep track of some codes
we have here in our company. They have some sensitive information I
would like to keep private. After some googling, I found some
solutions that encrypt/decrypt the files using filters as they're
committed/checked out. I've been using this approach and it suits my
needs. Now I need to merge two branches, but the process is failing
for two files in particular. First of all, here's my config file:

[filter "openssl"]
    clean = openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -nosalt -pass pass:password
    smudge = openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -a -nosalt -pass pass:password

For these two files I mentioned, decryption fails. Then I did this:

    smudge = openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -a -nosalt -pass
pass:password || tee -a /out.txt

Based on the output, it seems like the input data is corrupted, but I
don't get it. These files are regular source code like any other file.
I can also check out both branches individually, so I'm assuming the
stored blob is fine. Every other file is perfectly merged. What should
I do?

Thank you.
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