On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 12:21:22AM +0100, SZEDER Gábor wrote:

> I think in this case we should opt for performance instead of correctness,
> and use Peff's 'refname:strip=2'.  Ambiguous refs will only hurt you, if,
> well, your repo actually has ambiguous refs AND you happen to want to do
> something with one of those refs.  I suspect that's rather uncommon, and
> even then you could simply rename one of those refs.  OTOH, as shown in
> the ticket, you don't need that many refs to make refs completion
> unacceptably slow on Windows, and it will bite every time you attempt to
> complete a ref.

I'm not even sure that this is a correctness tradeoff at all. For
example, in the function __git_heads(), we are asking for-each-ref to
tell us about everything under refs/heads/. If you have a refs/heads/foo
and refs/tags/foo, we don't care; we are trying to print the unqualified
branch names. And in fact having refname:short print "heads/foo" in this
case may be actively wrong. For instance, in _git_branch(), you cannot
use the resulting completion of "heads/foo", as that command wants
unqualified names in "refs/heads/", and you do not have

So I think switching to :strip is an improvement in both correctness
_and_ performance.

> Now, if 'git for-each-ref' could understand '**' globbing, not just
> fnmatch...

I think it does already, since 4917e1e (Makefile: promote wildmatch to
be the default fnmatch implementation, 2013-05-30).

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