On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 05:39:34PM -0800, Shawn Pearce wrote:

> For curl error 35 (CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR) users need the
> additional text stored in CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER to debug why
> the connection did not start. This is curl_errorstr inside
> of http.c, so include that in the message if it is non-empty.

I think this is an all-around improvement. GitHub sometimes get support
requests for result=18 on a git-push, which is curl's code for "I dunno,
the remote end hung up". Having a human-readable message may make things
less confusing.

Unfortunately I cannot seem to create the problem at will to confirm
that it kicks in in this case[1], but it seems like it should just based on
reading your patch.


[1] I tried inserting "exit(0)" in various places of receive-pack, and
    it seems make the protocol deadlock. Yikes.
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