On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Eric Wong <normalper...@yhbt.net> wrote:
> It might take a while for me to get around to looking at this
> more, so it would be very helpful if you poked around and tried
> some different things in the source.

Ok, I played around with it some and found something that works.
I commented out all the providers except for:

     \&Git::SVN::Prompt::username, 2)

And that seems to actually work!

Interestingly, it doesn't actually interactively prompt me for a
username. At least, not when I ran 'git svn dcommit --username test'.
It did when I later ran a 'git svn fetch'.

I don't know this API at all, and it's been a long time since I've
done any perl. (And I didn't even realize you used perl bindings to
libsvn until a few minutes ago, I just assumed you somehow implemented
everything from scratch.)

But my guess is that 'SVN::Client::get_username_provider()' is
provided by the perl binding and isn't git-svn specific, and so it
knows nothing of the --username argument, it simply is reading ~/.svn.
(Assuming git-svn reads ~/.svn at all.) (That hints at maybe I could
control the user with the files in ~/.svn, which I didn't even
consider previously.) And if it knows nothing about git-svn or any
arguments passed, then that explains why it didn't work.

Meanwhile, 'SVN::Client::get_username_prompt_provider' also looks like
a stock SVN::Client function, but it's passed in a Git::SVN::
argument, that I'm assuming is some sort of callback. So in that case
it's able to provided it with the passed in --username argument, or
failing that, it prompts me.

So I have something that I think will work for me. I'm not sure how to
turn it into a reasonable patch though. Maybe we need to eliminate
some of the auth_provides from the list if the --username option is
passed in?

> Btw, which version of SVN are you using?  I also wonder if
> there's something version-dependent.

svn --version
svn, version 1.6.12 (r955767)

I know that's pretty old.

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