Am 03.03.2016 um 08:38 schrieb Lars Schneider:
(1) If I have a Git core branch with a some changes that builds and
tests clean on Linux and OSX. How do I apply all the necessary Git for
Windows specific changes to this branch?

How do you do it when you make a patch on Linux and want to test it on OSX, or the other way around? It's the same with Windows, I would guess.

*I* would export the Linux directory for Windows using Samba and then fetch and push from the Windows side. I would *not* develop on Windows in the exported Samba directory directly. If Samba is too hairy, exchange git bundles on a USB stick.

(2) During my testing with Windows I noticed that the git config
paths look funny by adding ("\\" and "/"). I mentioned the problem in
the Gitfor Windows forum:!topic/git-for-windows/zTv60HhfnYk
Duy suggested a solution in that thread. Is this the default way
todeal with the paths? Would the list accept this solution?

IMHO, the solution is misguided. Either --show-origin is plumbing, then we need the quoting. Or it is porcelain, then the quoting can be removed (and it is not necessary to "prettify" the file names on Windows). I tend to categorize --show-origin as procelain.

(3) The tests on Windows seemed very slow to me. Are there tricks to
speed them up? Did you try a RAM disk? If yes, how do you do it?

Run on SSD (and be prepared to swap it out for a new one within a year or two) ;-)

Really, there doesn't seem to be much you can do. Run the tests --with-dashes to save a shell wrapper around git.exe.

Unfortunately, Windows does not have RAM disks built in. I would appreciate any hints in this direction as well.

-- Hannes

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