Hello, I've found a change in the way .gitignore works, and I'm not sure if it's a bug or intended.
Previously, one could use the following .gitignore: * !/foo !/foo/bar.txt !/baz !/baz/quux !/baz/quux/**/* And these files would be seen by git: foo/bar.txt baz/quux/grault.txt baz/quux/corge/wibble.txt And these files would be ignored: foo/garply.txt baz/waldo.txt At some point (between git 2.6.0 and 2.7.0, I think), the behavior changed such that _none_ of the files above would be ignored. Previously, git would treat !/foo as an indication that it should not prune /foo, but that _wouldn't_ be sufficient to un-ignore the contents thereof. Now, it seems the new scheme treats !/foo as functionally equivalent to !/foo followed by !/foo/**/* in the old scheme. I manage my home directory by making it a git repo, and using ~/.gitignore to selectively permit certain files or subdirectories to be seen by git. The recent change in behavior has resulted in sensitive directories like ~/.gpg being un-ignored. For reference, I've appended my .gitignore to the end of this email. So, is this behavior intended, or is this a bug? If the former, is there an announcement explaining this change? -Charles (.gitignore is as follows) * !/.Xdefaults !/.Xresources !/.ackrc !/.bash_profile !/.config !/.config/dunst !/.config/dunst/dunstrc !/.config/taffybar !/.config/taffybar/taffybar.hs !/.config/taffybar/taffybar.rc !/.ctags !/.gdb !/.gdb/**/* !/.gdbinit !/.gemrc !/.ghci !/.git_template !/.git_template/**/* !/.gitexcludes !/.gitignore !/.gnupg !/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf !/.gnupg/gpg.conf !/.goobook/ !/.goobook/decipher !/.goobook/decipher/goobookrc !/.inputrc !/.irbrc !/.irssi !/.irssi/**/* !/.mbsyncrc !/.msmtprc !/.mutt !/.mutt/accounts !/.mutt/accounts/* !/.mutt/gpg.rc !/.mutt/mailcap !/.mutt/muttrc !/.mutt/signature !/.mutt/theme/* !/.nixpkgs !/.nixpkgs/**/* !/.notmuch-config !/.pystartup !/.tmux !/.tmux.conf !/.tmux/**/* !/.vim !/.vim/**/* !/.vimrc !/.xmonad !/.xmonad/xmonad.hs !/.xsession !/.zlogin !/.zprofile !/.zsh !/.zsh/**/* !/.zshenv !/.zshrc !/osx -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html