A previous version of this patch can be found at
http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/287540 .

The changes in the patch are :-
 - Fix typo "git config" to "git commit"
 - Use a better commit message
 - Drop a paragraph in commit message so as to not misguide readers
 - Consider additional tests as suggested by Eric Sunshine
 - Add an option "override-verbose" to git commit to override the
"always true" setting if set in the configuration file

It took me quite some time to send this patch. I was trying to write
tests for this and send the patch together but I could not find the
test examples that could be used from the existing code base. If
someone has an idea in mind then I could probably write the tests.
Though I have tested this personally for all the cases but I think it
would be preferable to automate the job.

Pranit Bauva
IIT Kharagpur
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