On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 01:29:31PM -0500, Stephen Morton wrote:

> git config --local filter.dater.smudge 'myDate=`git log
> --pretty=format:"%cd" --date=iso -1 -- %f`; sed -e
> "s/\(\\$\)Date[^\\$]*\\$/\1Date: $myDate \\$/g"'

Your filter is running "git log" without a revision parameter, which
means it is looking at HEAD.

And here....

> git checkout no_foo
> git checkout master
> cat foo.c
> #observe keyword expansion lost

You are expecting this second one to do:

  1. Switch HEAD to "master".

  2. Checkout files which need updating. Looking at HEAD in your filter
     then examines "master", and you see the commit timestamp of the

But that isn't how it is implemented. Checkout will handle the file
checkout _first_, as that is the part that is likely to run into
problems (e.g., rejecting a switch because it would lose changes in the
working tree). Only at the very end, after the change to the working
tree has succeeded, do we update HEAD.

I think the order you are expecting is conceptually cleaner, but I don't
think we would want to switch it around (for reasons of efficiency and
robustness). And I don't think we would want to make a promise about the
ordering to callers either way, as it binds our implementation.

So is there a way to reliably know the destination of a checkout? My
first thought was that we could add a placeholder similar to "%f" that
your filter could use. I'm not sure how we would handle the corner cases
there, though (e.g., do we always have a "destination" to report? If
not, what do we give the script?).

I suspect you could also hack something together with a post-checkout
script, though it would probably be a lot less efficient (and might also
have some weird corner cases).

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