Hi Duy,

On Tue, 15 Mar 2016, Duy Nguyen wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 1:36 AM, David Turner <dtur...@twopensource.com> 
> wrote:
> > Introduce a new config option, indexhelper.autorun, to automatically
> > run git index-helper before starting up a builtin git command.  This
> > enables users to keep index-helper running without manual
> > intervention.
> This could be a problem on Windows because "index-helper --detach"
> does not work there. I have no idea how "daemons" are managed on
> Windows and not sure if our design is still good when such a "daemon"
> is added on Windows. So I'm pulling Johannes in for his opinions.
> Background for Johannes. We're adding "git index-helper" daemon (one
> per repo) to cache the index in memory to speed up index load time
> (and in future probably name-hash too, I think it's also more often
> used on Windows because of case-insensitive fs). It also enables
> watchman (on Windows) for faster refresh. This patch allows to start
> the daemon automatically if it's not running. But I don't know it will
> work ok on Windows.
> Assuming that "index-helper" service has to be installed and started
> from system, there can only be one service running right? This clashes
> with the per-repo daemon design... I think it can stilf work, if the
> main service just spawns new process, one for each repo. But again I'm
> not sure.

If we want to run the process as a Windows service, you are correct, there
really can only be one. Worse: it runs with admin privileges.

But why not just keep it running as a detached process? We can run those
on Windows, and if we're opening a named pipe whose name reveals the
one-to-one mapping with the index in question, I think we are fine (read:
we can detect whether the process is running already).

We can even tell those processes to have a timeout, or to react to other
system events.

Please note that I am *very* interested in this feature (speeding up index

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