
I've been testing out git 2.8.0 rc3 due to having a particular interest in this 
enhancement from the changelog:
" Another try to improve the ignore mechanism that lets you say "this
   is excluded" and then later say "oh, no, this part (that is a
   subset of the previous part) is not excluded".  This has still a
   known limitation, though."

Currently, in order to include ONLY the files under a/b/c I have the following 
in .gitignore:
/*             - Ignore everything
!/a             - Except directory "a"
/a/*            - Ignore all sub-directories of "a/"
!/a/b           - Except "a/b"
/a/b/*          - Ignore all sub-directories of "a/b/"
!/a/b/c         - Except "a/b/c"

My hope was that with this enhancement I could massively simplify this to:
/*             - Ignore everything
!a/b/c      - Except "a/b/c"

However this doesn't seem to work - instead I find that NOTHING is ignored 
(i.e. it's as if the 2nd line completely cancels the first).

Is this a bug or am I mis-understanding what the enhancement does? Or is this 
the known limitation referred to?


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  • 2.8.0 gitignore en... Richard Furness -X (rfurness - ENSOFT LIMITED at Cisco)

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