On 21 March 2016 at 21:18, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> Again, just my opinion, but that looks awfully clunky. And it doesn't
> address the other messages (you might be behind origin/branch-X by N
> commits, or ahead by N, but only as of that particular date). Do we want
> to annotate every message whose value was computed based on a tracking
> branch?

Hmm.  I would hope not.  I'll wait for others to make a call on this,
but it's about all I can suggest without significantly bloating the
message which isn't desirable either.

>> No one's suggesting that this message is removed, I'm not sure where
>> you got that from?
> You said earlier:
>> [...]it's more a case of whether even printing that message is useful?
> I didn't know quite what you had in mind, which is why I asked. If we
> all agree that removing it is a bad idea, then good, we don't have to
> bother discussing that option. :)

Ah, oops!  I was meaning more, whether to print the message in the
case where the branch was uptodate, but now I appreciate it's cached.
Apologies for the confusion.

-- Thomas Adam
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