On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 7:43 AM, 惠轶群 <huiyi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2016-03-26 2:16 GMT+08:00 Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com>:
>> 惠轶群 <huiyi...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> # Purpose
>>> The current implementation of send-email is based on perl and has only
>>> a tui, it has two problems:
>>> - user must install a ton of dependencies before submit a single patch.
>>> - tui and parameter are both not quite friendly to new users.
>> Is "a ton of dependencies" true?  "apt-cache show git-email"
>> suggests otherwise.  Is "a ton of dependencies" truly a problem?
>> "apt-get install" would resolve the dependencies for you.
> There are three perl packages needed to send patch through gmail:
> - perl-mime-tools
> - perl-net-smtp-ssl
> - perl-authen-sasl
> Yes, not too many, but is it better none of them?

Are you sure using a GUI does not have any dependencies?

> What's more, when I try to send mails, I was first disrupted by
> "no perl-mime-tools" then by "no perl-net-smtp-ssl or perl-authen-sasl".
> Then I think, why not just a mailto link?
>>> # Plan
>>> So I propose to implement following:
>>> - Allow user to send mail via a [`mailto`
>>> link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mailto). so that users could
>>> complete the mail in their favorite email clients such as gmail, mutt,
>>> alpine and even gmail for android through
>> IIRC, GMail on Android is incapable of sending a "text/plain", so
>> that part may not fly well.
> Really? As much as I known, GMail on Android is capable of sending
> a "text/plain" while Inbox is not.

How do you plan in integrating GMail on Android so that it can send
patches which exists on your computer?

>>> - Build a simple email client (maybe a web components based web app or
>>> wxwidgets based GUI client, they are both cross-platform) which is
>>> easy to use for sending patch without disrupting the mailbox format.

I think introducing a GUI may lead to much more dependencies. Many git
developers already have perl packages in their system but they don't
have wxwidgets.

>> I suspect it would yield a better result if the plan were to update
>> a popular email client and make it possible to tell it to read an
>> existing text file (i.e. mbox) without corrupting its contents.
>> People do not have to learn a new mail client if done that way.
> Maybe a plugin? I'm not sure.

You could make a plugin. That would simply things.

> If above `mail-to` is implemented, user could just using any mail
> client, but a mail client adaptive for patch would be better:
> - Do not allow user to edit the diff part
> - always 'plan/text'
> - visual
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