
On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 09:28:44AM -0700, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> 
> The internal "parse the existing trailer block and manipulate it by
> adding, conditionally adding, replacing and deleting it" logic was
> done as an experimental "interpret-trailers" program, but polishing
> it (both its design and implementation) and integrating it to the
> front-line programs (e.g. "git commit") hasn't been done.

I had a look at interpret-trailers, and one use-case I miss is: being
able to define a trailer type, but only add it when asked explicitly.


$ git config trailer.review.key "Reviewed-by: "
$ git config trailer.review.command 'echo "$(git config user.name) <$(git 
config user.email)>"'
$ echo foo|git interpret-trailers

Reviewed-by: A U Thor <aut...@example.com>
$ echo foo|git interpret-trailers --trailer review

Reviewed-by: A U Thor <aut...@example.com>

I can imagine e.g. a new configuration vaulue named
trailer.<token>.ifMissing explicit, and when that's set, the trailer
would be only added if it's spelled out explicitly using '--trailer

Does this sound like a good idea, or did I miss some way how this is
already possible? :-)

> As to the last step of "integration", we cannot use short-and-sweet
> single letter options like '-s' (for sign-off) for each and every
> custom trailer different projects use for their own purpose (as
> there are only 26 of the lowercase ASCII alphabet letters), so the
> most general syntax for the option has to become "--trailer <arg>"
> or some variation of it, and at that point "-s" would look like a
> short-hand for "--trailer signed-off-by".

Hmm, I think the above has to be implemented first, otherwise it'll be
hard to make "-s" an alias of "--trailer signed-off-by". (I mean having
git understand what "signed-off-by" is, still adding it conditionally.)



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