On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 11:41 PM, Christian Howe <cjho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There has been talk of a git mascot a while back in 2005. Some people
> mentioned a fish or a turtle. Since all the great open source projects
> like Linux or RethinkDB have a cute mascot, git definitely needs one
> as well. A mascot gives people a recognizable persona towards which
> they can direct their unbounded love for the project. It'd even be
> good if a plush doll of this mascot could eventually be created for
> people to physically express their love of git through cuddling and
> hugging.

Given Git's horrible interface (in some cases still) and power, I'd
say an ugly witch (maybe doing something with trees). But I don't
think anyone can make a cute mascot out of that. Nor does anybody want
to cuddling :D
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