Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> - for git-annex (Joey was CCed from the beginning, not sure if annex
>   would be affected though), it would be merging of git-annex
>   branches while joining multiple annexes for the sync (e.g. by git
>   annex assistant). 

Not entirely accurate (git-annex merges its git-annex branches using a
custom merge method and not involving git-merge). The actual use case is
two users (or one user with two devices) each with a git-annex
repository who decide to share their files by combining the two
repositories. This is pretty far from the kernel world, so it's not like
bisection is something they care about.

However, I also see --allow-unrelated-histories as very useful to
prevent many foot-shooting maneuvers. Especially when a repository has
special-purpose branches, like git-annex's git-annex branch, or other
branches that are never intended to be merged into master. It's a not
entirely uncommon mistake for users to merge in such a branch, and the
users who make such a mistake often don't know enough git to easily
recover from it.

Junio C Hamano wrote:

I hope this patch lands, it will save me a lot of bother.

see shy jo

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