On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 02:48:44PM +0200, Johannes Schindelin wrote:

> > If you know off-hand how to teach my vim to use your preferred indenting,
> > I'll gladly just brow-beat it into submission.
> For the record, I think the default in vim is to indent two tabs after an
> unclosed parenthesis in an `if` line (the "(2s" just below
> http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/indent.html#javascript-indenting in
> the default cinoptions). The "(0" setting fixes this, I think, so I forced
> my vim to use
> cinoptions=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}0,^0,L-1,:s,=s,l0,b0,gs,hs,ps,ts,is,+s,c3,C0,/0,(0,us,U0,w0,W0,m0,j0,J0,)20,*70,#0
> from now on.

Yeah, "(0" is the only non-default cinoption I use for git.  Other than
that, everything fits our guidelines (I guess I explicitly make sure
shiftwidth and tabstops are all at 8, but I think those are the
defaults, too).

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