Torsten Bögershausen <> writes:

> ssh itself does not use a password:
> ...
> Neither does Git.
> ...
> The user:password came in here:
> Commit 92722efec01f67a54b
> clone: do not use port number as dir name
> Actually, looking back, it may have been better to say
> git clone ssh://aaaa:bbbb@host:/path
> is illegal and simply die() out.

RFC2396, which updated RFC1738, discourages the use of :password
in "3.2.2 Server-based Naming Authority", for obvious reasons.

   Some URL schemes use the format "user:password" in the userinfo
   field.  This practice is NOT RECOMMENDED ...

and then this is marked as deprecated in RFC3986 "3.2.1. User

   Use of the format "user:password" in the userinfo field is
   deprecated.  Applications should not render as clear text any
   data after the first colon (":") character found within a
   userinfo subcomponent unless the data after the colon is the
   empty string (indicating no password).

However, at the parser level that _knows_ the syntax, you shouldn't
be unilaterally turning these "not recommended" and "deprecated" to
"forbidden".  It should be prepared to see ':' to its input, if only
to correctly recognize that as an attempt to express :password, in
order to be able to hide the data after the first colon when running
in verbose mode for example.

I'd recommend that the parser to allow <user>:<password>@<host>, and
at least notice ':' that appears before the first '@' as having a
depreated form of <userinfo>.  After stripping <scheme>:// from the
front, it is OK to assume that everything before the first '@' is
<userinfo> (in RFC2396 lingo), and everything in <userinfo> that is
before the first ':' is <user> when doing so.  

>>> ...  When you are constrained by the Common Internet
>>> Scheme Syntax, i.e.
>>>     <scheme>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<url-path>
>>> you cannot have arbitrary characters in these parts; within the user
>>> and password field, any ":", "@", or "/" must be encoded.
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