Thanks a lot Peff. This cleared a lot of things. Would it be okay if I
cite some parts of this conversation on my personal blog?

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Jeff King <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 08:05:47PM +0530, Saksham Saxena wrote:
>> > ..even if I have an existing "url.git://.insteadOf=https://";. But I
>> > could believe that having other config confuses things. The
>> > url-rewriting is not "last one wins", but rather that we try all of
>> >
>> > > them, and the longest match wins.
>> Longest? Could you elaborate please?
> The one that matches the longest number of characters. So
> ""; is a preferred match over "https://";.
> I don't think that's what's going on here, though.
>> Here you go 
>> (
>> The commands are run in that sequence.
> OK, so you have:
>   url.git://.insteadof=https://
> in your initial config, to convert https URLs to git.
> Later you add:
>   url.https://.insteadof=git://
> to do the opposite.
> The URL in your config uses http:
>   remote.origin.url=
> And when you push, this gets converted to "git://".
> I think this is the expected behavior, due to the first insteadOf, which
> converts https to git. Both rules are "active", in the sense that the
> later one does not replace the former; together they make a list of
> rules to try applying.
> Git doesn't recursively apply insteadOf transformations. So the "convert
> https to git" rule triggers, and we stop. The "convert git to https" one
> doesn't trigger initially (because we are already https). And if we were
> to apply rules recursively in this case, it would loop infinitely.
> So I this is all operating as intended. And what you really want is a
> way to say "erase any earlier rewrite rules; I do not want them applied
> in this repository". There's currently not any way to do that.
> For other "multi-valued configs" like this one (i.e., ones that form a
> list rather than overriding earlier values), we have started using the
> convention that assigning the empty value resets the list. But this
> particular config key has not learned that trick yet, so it would
> require a patch to git.
>> > You should be able to clone, fetch, or push wiki repositories using any
>> > of the normal protocols. So:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > should work. Likewise, git:// will work if the repository is public, but
>> >
>> > > you cannot push over it.
>> True. Can't push over git:// and that's why I'm limited to https://
> You can over ssh, though (which I thought you said earlier was your
> preferred protocol).
> -Peff

Thanks and Regards
Saksham Saxena
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