On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 10:00:56AM -0700, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> Peff suggested to use the github pages that are connected to the
> "git" org, and helped its initial set-up.  When I update the
> prebuilt docs, in addition to the listed locations, I also push to
> the gh-pages branch of https://github.com/git/htmldocs repository
> and the result appears in https://git.github.io/htmldocs/git.html
> Even though we do have index.html -> git.html, gh-pages does not
> seem to let you follow it, so you need to start from git.html, and I
> suspect that it is why the below says "I wasn't able to find it" for
> (5).

Yeah, I looked into this a little back then, and I think it is simply
that the Pages builder does not handle symlinks at all. You could push
out index.html as a true copy rather than a symlink, but I think just
pointing to "git.html" as the entry page of the site is reasonable, too
(we could even make index.html a true overview page later if we want).

> So perhaps list both?  I do not know how beefy repo.or.cz is, or how
> well connected it is to the rest of the world, but if I have to pick
> only one, I'd feel safer if we didn't have to exploit the "blob_plain/:"
> backdoor.

Beefiness aside, the GitHub version will be served out of a CDN, which
means it should perform way better for the user, as it will often get
served from a geographically local cache.

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