Johannes Schindelin <> writes:

> Of course I agree that it would be very nice to have a test at a later
> stage that does exercise GPG if it is available. But would it really be so
> terrible to have a (simpler, not as complete) test that is exercised
> *also* when GPG is *not* available?

What I would expect is "In the ideal world, we may want both, and in
an imperfect world in which we can have only one, we'd rather have
the 'even though we can run it only when GPG is available, we make
sure that we drive GPG correctly' one, dropping the other.", simply
because the end result matters more, not how the instruction to the
end user is phrased.

Sure, in even less perfect world, having a superficial test might be
better than nothing, but reminding ourselves to aim high (and make
sure we document the decision when we punt) is an important part of
the purpose of the review process, so...

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