On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Theodore Ts'o <ty...@mit.edu> wrote:
> One other long-term thought.  Maybe past a certain point, we should
> just make it easy to get the data from git-log into a perl or pythons
> script, where it becomes possible to do conditionals, more flexible
> padding rules, etc.  So some kind of --format=yaml or --format=json
> sort of thing.

I thought libgit2 would already give you all the information you need.

> Some interesting ideas of how we could do this can be
> found here:
>         https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/topic/formats
> ... although I doubt whether git would ever want to do the equivalent of:
> gcloud compute images list  
> --format='table[box,title=Images](name:sort=1,family)'
> which will print something like this:
> +------------------------------------------------------------+
> |                           Images                           |
> +------------------------------------------+-----------------+
> |                   NAME                   |      FAMILY     |
> +------------------------------------------+-----------------+
> | centos-6-v20160629                       | centos-6        |
> | centos-7-v20160629                       | centos-7        |
> | coreos-alpha-1097-0-0-v20160702          | coreos-alpha    |
> | coreos-beta-1068-3-0-v20160627           | coreos-beta     |
> | coreos-stable-1010-6-0-v20160628         | coreos-stable   |
> | debian-8-jessie-v20160629                | debian-8        |
> | freebsd-101-release-amd64-20150101032704 |                 |
> | opensuse-13-2-v20160222                  |                 |
> | opensuse-leap-42-1-v20160302             |                 |
> | rhel-6-v20160629                         | rhel-6          |
> | rhel-7-v20160629                         | rhel-7          |
> | sles-11-sp4-v20160301                    |                 |
> | sles-12-sp1-v20160301                    |                 |
> | ubuntu-1204-precise-v20160627            | ubuntu-1204-lts |
> | ubuntu-1404-trusty-v20160627             | ubuntu-1404-lts |
> | ubuntu-1510-wily-v20160627               | ubuntu-1510     |
> | ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20160627             | ubuntu-1604-lts |
> | windows-server-2008-r2-dc-v20160623      | windows-2008-r2 |
> | windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20160623      | windows-2012-r2 |
> | xfstests-201607030209                    | xfstests        |
> +------------------------------------------+-----------------+
> and will even use fancy graphics characters if you're using a terminal
> which supports them.  :-)

Putting everything in columns is my thing :) We can do something like
that. It should not be so hard to put titles on top and draw some
lines, I think, if you set fixed column widths. I'm just not sure if
it will be really helpful. What sort of use case do you have in mind
(besides git-log --oneline with customizable columns)?
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